Review: Neutrogena Light Therapy Acne Mask

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Hey everyone!

With the crazy changes in weather lately, we are all bound to start having a hard time with skin going haywire! I’m super excited to share this new product with you to help save some grief!

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I’ve teamed up with NEUTROGENA® to share their new Light Therapy Acne Mask and how it’s been working out for me. They have done a ton of research to understand the effects of light and how it can be used to improve your skin. The mask is a completely light-based solution to problem acne so no harsh chemical treatments! It’s something you can do every day for 10 minutes and I’ve found it’s great to do before bed while I’m catching up on to-do lists or watching some Netflix, bonus!


The mask contains therapeutic LEDs in red to reduce inflammation and blue to fight acne-causing bacteria. The results are clinically proven with 98% reporting fewer breakouts after 12 weeks of use and 94% showing smoother skin.

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The NEUTROGENA® Light Therapy Acne Mask comes with an activator that is good for 30 treatments and priced around $45.99-49.99 CAD. When you are finished with the activator you can print off a prepaid shipping label to send it back and they will recycle it for you!

Ive found that my skin is doing really well with the mask so I may take a break from it when my sessions are up and then further down the road if my skin needs help again, I will just purchase a new activator, they can be found at major retailers for about $19.99-21.99 CAD.

I have enjoyed using the mask and it’s actually pretty fun to use! I will purchase refill activators in the future as needed and definitely recommend trying it if you aren’t 100% happy with the clarity of your skin!

This post was sponsored by Neutrogena but the opinions are my real opinions!

Till next time,

Lindsey xoxo

22 thoughts on “Review: Neutrogena Light Therapy Acne Mask

    1. Hi Lauren! To use it you just wear it for 10 minute sessions after cleansing your face. I have been using it daily. I don’t have any before/after photos but I have mild spots only usually. When I first started I noticed I actually got a couple of pimples within the first couple of days which had me concerned but I asked a doctor who specializes in face treatments and he said it was likely that it was working on removing impurities which is what gave me the pimples and he recommended to stick with it. So I kept using it and after another week they and any previous spots were all gone. Hope this helps! I
      It does have great reviews and the results of clinical trials are overwhelmingly good that it actually helps people!

  1. Ooooh, this looks so cool! I may have to give this a shot! Also, I love that you’re Canadian and listed prices in CAD! I always forget about the exchange and get super upset when something costs so much more than I expected here!

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