Ready for Purim

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Hi there! Glad to have you and thanks for visiting, just an update on what we’ve been up to this week. It’s now late February and I’ve been getting ready for growing season again. Sadly, we moved last year in May so I wasn’t able to have much of a garden so this year I am planning on going pretty hard. We have a pretty short growing season here so I start seedlings indoors in my little greenhouse and transplant to the garden in late May. I picked up some trays and some of the organic soil from Costco. Costco also carries organic veggie seeds, usually $19.99 for about 20 packets which I’ve been told are coming in soon!

Here is a lemon tree I grew from seed straight from a lemon that I’ve been growing for the last 4 years. No fruit yet so I’ve put it under the lights to give it a boost.


We’ve also been getting ready for Purim this week, which takes place this year on March 2nd at sundown or some are celebrating tonight depending which calendar you follow! We have baked our Hamantaschen, triangle shaped filled cookies and built a really fun cardboard castle out of some boxes that our new couch came in.


Purim celebrates the story of Queen Esther so we have the kids dress up as the characters and we decided a castle would be a fun way to make the story more real for the kids.


We made it simple as just a front castle face with one big room. It has a locking front door plus we added flower boxes in the windows made with paper flowers and working torches that use battery tealights that flicker to light them up. I included torch holder on the outside and the inside so they can carry them to wherever they need them 🙂



I also made the kids a cardboard table and they drew cute little plates of cookies on it.


Hope you all are enjoying your week! If

you’ve made any awesome cardboard creations I’d love to see your photos!

Till next time,

Lindsey xoxo



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